Monday, October 3, 2011

D is for Direction

Since my last post many, many days ago my life has encompassed a new direction.  If some random, old man in corduroys (all random men wear corduroys) came up to me one year ago and said, "Hello little missy.  Where will you be in one year?" I would have smiled nicely, and told him, "Oh, I'll still be in school and hopefully have an internship."  And of course I would have said this in an overly loud voice with zealous annunciation because I always assume that anyone over 70 cannot hear.  It is the curse of having one very deaf grandmother.

Anyway, as I was saying, a year ago I was not sure of my direction.  What I thought I wanted is most certainly not where I am.  For starters, I have a new hobby - cupcake making. (I mentioned this before) And since my return to Salt Lake City I have...wait for it...started my own company!  It is an S corporation called Artig & Associates, Inc.  The website is now in the works.  I have one client with the potential for another very soon.