Sunday, April 10, 2011

To Chicago or Not to Chicago?

AMAZING CITY! Great opportunity, and I found this great place called The Buckingham where I can live.  I can't wait to move there for the summer.  The internship is going to be so fun because the department is small so I get to be involved in everything.  Also, the guy I would be working for used to be a creative director at an agency there. And...HE SAID HE WOULD GET ME AN INTERVIEW AT THE AGENCY! I don't remember the name, it started with a B.  What if I stay there? It is so crazy to think that in a month I will be living in Chicago.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Liminal Moments

Was the introduction of the iPad a liminal moment; was it a point in the advertising world where once it was introduced we could never go back?  A liminal moment similar to loosing your virginity, getting a tattoo, getting married, or divorced.  I am sitting in my multimedia graphics class as we are discussing, and listing examples of these pivotal moments.  A recent article in Ad Week, suggests that the hype of iPad hasn't lived up to its reality.  The iPad audience is small, and its abilities have a limit.  I wonder if this will be true in 1 year from now?  This example also makes me wonder how important these liminal moments are to us at the time they happen.  Maybe we build up these moments so much that when they happen its a let down.  For example a wedding has been given such a great importance in life...what if it is not the best day of your life?  Maybe the day is more important to you then you thought it would be.

Click here for the link to the Ad Week article.