Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fact of Facebook

I just watched The Social Network, it is be far one of my favorite movies of all time.  However, aside from the stunning examples of how to use power, it is rather eye opening.  This site started in the dorm room of a college drop out, who moved to Palo Alto is now the most visited site.  I check my facebook as much as I do the time.  Maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but most of my brilliant thoughts come to me as facebook statuses.  When my friends and I go out we take pictures for the purpose of getting a new profile pic.  When hanging out do you ever think: Is that funny thing you said status worthy, should it be the name of a photo album, or is it good enough to put in my quotes section so I can have it for all time?  Is the power of facebook good or bad?  When you look into it facebook now interconnects everything on the web.  Comment boxes can be hosted through facebook.  It is easily editable by users making it a great tool for SEO.  Website registration can now be done through the users facebook sign on.  Website users can share the site with all of their friends by simply liking it.  After thinking about all of this I have a crazy thought: Why is it only worth $25 Billion?